My name is James Lamplugh and i am a freelance concept artist and illustrator. My other interest include, Music, both writing it and composing it, Ancient History's, Writing fiction and all things related to the film and gaming industry.

Age 34, Male

Freelance Artist


Joined on 10/21/13

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AXISunSoar's News

Posted by AXISunSoar - July 12th, 2014

Ok, so i was about to go to bed, thought i would pop on for a quick second and to my suprise i had 6 new messages!

All of which say: 

"Your submission, "Name" submitted at "date", has been removed due to violation of terms.

Please review the art guidelines to ensure that you're following the rules and to prevent any further action being taken against other reviews you make."


So as it says i review the Art Guidlines, No photography, ok not an issue, must be the owner, ok also not an issue, If its flagged as inapropriate... ok mayby, define inapropriate?

1: It depicts a sexually suggestive image of a child,  not that, 2: It suggests you are intolerent of certain races, religions or sexualities, its not that, 3: You are bullying another user, nope dont know any other uses, 4: It mostly consists of unmodified text??? they were pictures?

So i think a resonable question could be: Why have my pictures been deletes? because i don't understand?........

No wait! can't do that! This user has banned private messages, nice!, so i don't even get to know?

One of the pictures was a painting of my dog, based of a sketch i did as the dog sat infront of the tree at christmass. 

Four of the paintings were film studies, based off of screan captured "Stills" I took from different movies I like.

Only one out of the six images wasn't a painting, it was a Desktop Background i made, of a leopard, that, yes was originally a photograph, but was heavily, heavily maniputaled into its final CG form. I mean, in the end the leopard was made up of blue and red energy and was hardly a photopraph anymore.

Either way, if your that stricked against it, i would of been happy to remove that image from the art portal, instead it just gets deleted entirely off of my profile? with no acountability? along with 5 others that are compleatly original pieces?

Some of these painting, i even have progress shots for, here at newground, showing my original sketchs and then how i PAINTED them.

Not so much as the common curtesy of a message before hand, just total un accountable moderation. My profile might be fairly new, but i've been stopping by newgrounds since i was in highschool, maybe 10, 11 years ago now, and im calling BS. 

Ok... I had my rant, it is just really anoying. Makes me regret even creating the account, since sharing my art, was kind of the sole reason i joinned.

You want to know the defenition of irony, I started drawing and later painting because of my nan, who was a masterful painter and a truly wonderful person, well irony is that it was her funeral yesterday and I had dedicated one of those paintings to her, as it reminded me of some of her own works i used to look at as a child.

Anyway thanks for reading!

Posted by AXISunSoar - March 16th, 2014

Hey all I have started work on a new IP today and I just thought I'd tell you all a little bit about it. I do have images, but they are mostly sketch's and really quick, really ruff speed paintings, So I probably wont post any of them until I have something finished to show.

I call it "The Human Machine" or THM for short. It is basically a Sci/fi universe set in the far future, were people are managed to forestall old age and illness by systematically replacing they own body parts with bio-mechanical limbs and implants.

It is a very grim, corrupt and dark age of humanity, were the lower classes live in squaller and poverty, while the rich live very long and comparatively lush lifestyles. So extensively have people orgamented themselves that its bordering on self mutilation.

Democracy is nothing more then an illusion in this dark age, with LPH "Live people Hacking" and political corruption spreading throughout the social elite, wealth, influence and power have become the governments primary ambition.

Jobs are scarce and growing scarcer. Everything is run by machines, operated by "Drones", unconscious, Limbless, human Operators, with little to no free will or sense of self. These "Drones" or USHI "Unconscious Silent Human Intelligence" are essentially fussed into all manner of machines, their brain power eliminating all need of artificial intelligence.

In the past humanity had been enjoying a golden age, no disease, no poverty and no threat of old age and no crime. But it wasn't to last as AI had improved over the centuries, the inevitable eventually happened and the machines had risen up to fight against humanity.

We were driven to the brink of extinction, but somehow managed to overcome the sentient machines. This chaotic, crumbling semblance of humanity that exists today is a result of that almost apolitical event. 

In the current age all AI/sentient Machines are strictly outlawed, with human brains and bodies making up the necessary components within our technology today. This practice has lead to the many outlandish and obscure uses for the human form, with "humans" serving as everything from Batteries to Communication devices to Fusion reactors.

The corrupt government called "The High Command" is really just the, not so friendly, face to a entirely more sinister individual known as "The Governor" who rules mankind from the shadows with an iron fist. The "Enforcers" are his most valuable weapon when it comes to this, they are law enforcers, the police of this forsaken universe and they are more machine then man.

The Governor abuses his powers to an extreme and is able to hack into the brains of any individual who is connected to the Central Grid, being able to make them do whatever he wants. The being connected to the "CG" is essentially like having the internet inside your head, more accurately it is a collective intelligence of every individual connected to it.

Crime is rampant, in particular cyber crime, as you could imagine the ability to hack into peoples brains and therefor any computer system in the planet can be quite lucrative.

....>End Transition/

As you can imagine I have much more work to do on this IP before I can call it complete, hell I may never call it that. I have compiled loads of sketches and ideas today and will hopefully have some visuals for you all to view very soon. 

I am contemplating writing a novel, or three, set in this universe and possibly even a graphic novel, but that is a long way off. I Hope you enjoyed this and hopefully found the concept interesting.

(PS: If anyone likes this concept so much that they might want to collaborate or contribute in anyway, absolutely feel free to drop me a message anytime, I am certainly open to the idea)

Posted by AXISunSoar - March 15th, 2014

I just did a second large art dump, there are illustrations, concepts, sketches and even a self portrait. I hope you enjoy the imaged and as allways feel free to send me a message or leave a comment.

I am currently unable to be online regularly so it might take some time for me to respond, but I will as soon as I am able.

Posted by AXISunSoar - October 21st, 2013

Well for my first post, i think i should probably introduce myself.

My name is James and i am a 22 year old creative individual, i was born and live in Australia. All i have ever wanted to do was follow my creative passions and have been working on making a career out of it for what feels like a very long time.

I write allot of fiction, both fantasy and sci fi, be it in the form of a script or a novel/short story and i also right a bit of philosophy when the mood strikes. I am a musician, composing and writing my own songs and music; and i have been playing guitar for something like 6 year now. I do allot of indie game designing and i am also hugely into every aspect of film, be it reviewing them, right down to the production of them, directing, photograph, animation, visual effects you name it.

My biggest passion and creative outlet, by far, has to be my drawing and painting, you see i am an aspiring concept artist and illustrator and i have been drawing since i could hold a pencil in my hand, painting is newer to me and is something i am really focusing on at the moment.

I get all my inspiration from my love and deep appreciation of History, mythology and of course from film and literature. I actively study history from any period and this fascination has inevitably led me into the world of medieval re-enacting, with the sword fighting and the jousting and of course the feasting.

Well there you have it, thats about all there is to tell about me... sad really, but seriously, i am happy to be a new member of this fine community and i look forward to sharing loads of fun stuff with all of you guys and gals.

My first point of business will be to do a pretty big art dump just to show you all some of the latest WIPS and studies I've done.